Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Lazy Days of Summer

Well, apparently they've hit me, because I've been quite lazy about posting on our blog!

We had a great 4th of July around here - it's always a fun holiday. Our town has a big carnival in the village every year on the 3rd - lots of rides for the kids, petting zoo, games. Typical carnival stuff - only cost $10 for two sand art things - one of which I dropped getting the kids out of the car - and $7 for a 24-cent goldfish that died two days later. But, the kids have a ball and that's all that matters. Usually Scott has to leave me with the kids and go on the fire truck before the fireworks start, and this year he decided not to go on the truck. I was so happy - it was very nice to have him sit with us and watch the kids faces.

The 4th was fun, the weather was gray and it sprinkled here and there, but it held out the whole day! The kids and I walked with Evan's school. The kids decorate their bikes and I put Abby in the wagon. Evan is getting so big now - he rode his bike with his friend John. They kind of rode up ahead of us...he's going into first grade and in some ways, we've lost him a bit - is more independent and doesn't need to be by your side all the time. It goes so fast, and pulls at your heartstrings.

Evan started swimming lessons at the beach, and Miss Colleen is coming once a week for private lessons in the pool. It's expensive, but worth every penny - we are very nervous with the pool in the back! The kids love the pool - I love having it - it's so nice when we're all in there together - it's worth all the work (I can say that because I don't have to do it ;) LOL

Miss Abby started dance lessons too. She kept telling me that she didn't want to do it, and I was like "yeah, yeah, yeah" because she's like that with everything new. My friend Lauren had given me her daughters too-small ballet slippers and tap shoes, which were basically brand new. The day finally came for her to start, and I took out the shoes. Well, that changed her attitude - she is all about the shoes! She put them in one of those Halloween candy buckets (hers is pink with princesses on it) and practically strutted to the dance place. You could see she was nervous when we got in, but we put on her tap shoes and I kind of gently pushed her in the room and walked out. She knows other girls from "Mommy and Me" and my dear friend Susan and her daughter Lauren are going also, so at least she knew girls. The place was awesome about letting us take pictures for a few minutes and then the class started. She had a ball - you should have seen all us mother hens (and Grandma hens - my mom came too LOL) crowded around the window watching them. I have to say it was the c u t e s t thing I've ever seen, and the girls loved it. She is so psyched to go back, and every time with pass the dance studio, she loves to show us - "There is my dance school".

Summer's been great so far, although I just had the kids at the doctor last Friday - Abby was definitely not herself on Thursday at the beach - extremely whining, clingy and she fell asleep in her beach chair, which is unheard of. By the time I got her home, she had 102.5 temp and I felt sooo bad for her. Evan was complaining of a sore throat too. So, turns out they both tested positive for strep. So, they are both on antibiotics and we're just taking it slow. I kept them home from the beach yesterday and took the kids to see Wall E (great movie, btw). Abby fell asleep in the movies, so again, she's not up to snuff yet. I'm going to take them for arts and crafts at the beach today, let Evan take his lesson and then come home - they can rest up, shower and then we'll head over for Abby's dance class. Plenty for one day ;)

1 comment:

Casa Bicicleta said...

Yay! She's back! I was wondering what all you had been up to Kristen. Love the pics, the kids are so adorable. Yay for Abby and her dance lessons. She's so cute.