Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Calgon, Take Me Away

Did you ever just have a day where you felt like you were the worst mom in the world? That's the day I had today.

Overtired, overstressed trying to get everything done, the kids were fighting, not listening, laundry up the ying-yang, Abby would NOT go into her dance class for some strange reason after I showered and rushed everybody to get there, it was HOT, Abby sometimes whines like crazy, amongst a billion other reasons that I let get to me. I yelled, I took no time for my kids today and I was gross. They had no structure, I gave them hardly any attention. I hate days like this. I was a sucky mommy today. They were kinda sucky today too. Evan was watching TV tonight, and I bent over and apologized to him that I was so grumpy and yell-ey today. His response was "Mom, I can't see my show." Yeah, great.

Thank God they love me, and they'll forgive me and tomorrow is another day.



Casa Bicicleta said...

Sounds like my house. Don't worry kiddo, days like that just prepare them for life cuz life is kinda sucky too sometimes. BTW, you're a fab Mom so don't beat yourself up too much.

Faith Imagined said...

I found your site through Doodlebug Designs. Great blog but a really good post. I got all teary-eyed reading this because... I'm Not The Only One!!!!

Scary Mommy said...

I yelled at my kids today too. The were acting wild and crazy and my middle ending up hurt. By the time I apologized, they'd forgotten it even happened. They can really drive you crazy though, huh?!!!

Thanks for grabbing the button! ;)

Kristen said...

Thanks for your support! the next few days were sucky too! LOL