Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Happy Birthday NANA!

I'm posting a little out of order here! Scott's grandmother turned 93 on June 30! Every year we have a big party for her at our house with all the cousins, etc. This year, money was a little tight and we just don't have our act together this year LOL Anyway, we ended up visiting Nana at Scott's Aunt Marilyn's house and we had a great time. Scott's cousins were there with their kids, so the little ones had a ball! The kids LOVE Nana! (We all do!!) So, happy, happy birthday Nana! We'll celebrate at our house next year and will have lots of blue-claw crabs for you!

Hugs and kisses, Nana!


Anonymous said...

WOW! OMG Kristen, I have finally gotten around to checking out your blog and it is ADORABLE! I'm a lame BFF for not surfing here sooner--lots of estate stuff going on, fill ya in later--but I'm so glad I did. CDOH is now on my "faves" list! Miss you! Love you! Need dinner soon :)
Love, Vic

Casa Bicicleta said...

Happy birthday Nana! Wow 93? My Grandmother just turned 91 in June. God bless them both, huh? Thanks for the pics.